RBCH Intercounty Games 2014

On September the 13th, four of our eight homes gathered at Forest Hill House Nursing, Corfe Mullen, to take part in Royal Bay Care Home’s first ever annual Intercounty Games.

Roughly based on the ‘It’s a Knockout’ style game, the homes were organised into their teams respectively and took part in various events throughout the afternoon such as ‘Mechanical Surfing’, ‘Jousting/Duelling’ as well as an inflatable assault course covered in washing up liquid.

At the end, all of the scores were totalled up and the winning home was announced and awarded a trophy. Although the four homes were fairly evenly matched, this year’s standout winners were Forest Hill House Nursing Home, after they left the competitions undefeated in all heats of two events.

We believe a retirement home should be:

  • Where each person is an individual
  • Where there are no unnecessary rules and regulations
  • Where dignity, peace and comfort take priority
  • Where companionship, interest and activity flourishes.
  • And where people are supported to lead the fullest possible lives

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