Castle Farm – Summer Fete

Castle Farm Retirement Home - Summer Fete 2019

Our summer fete was so well supported by our residents and their relatives, and our staff and friends of Castle Farm Retirement Home, around 120 people joined us for the day!!

We had an amazing time this year with live music, delicious food and lots of laughter. Most importantly all our residents enjoyed themselves so much and some of our retirement homes residents helped us out with the stalls, which we are very grateful for.

We had a great selection of stalls and activities, some of the highlights were the flower stall, name the teddy, a cake stall, book sale, crochet stall and a traditional tombola.

With such fantastic weather, we all took the opportunity to sit in the residential care homes garden on the picnic benches to enjoy cake and a good old cup of tea. Our lovely Maintenance Man, Jim, won the award for ‘Best Dressed’!

We raised a very astounding £953.85!!! Which is amazing! Our Care Home Manager at Castle Farm would like to say a huge thank you to all that attended and helped out, and we very much look forward to seeing you all next year.

Check out our Facebook page for some great pictures of the fete.

Castle Farm Care Home - Summer Fete 2019

We believe a retirement home should be:

  • Where each person is an individual
  • Where there are no unnecessary rules and regulations
  • Where dignity, peace and comfort take priority
  • Where companionship, interest and activity flourishes.
  • And where people are supported to lead the fullest possible lives

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